“Everybody’s Watching.”

March 24 2012
Our dinner together, in Kashgar Xinjiang, as the next morning “Team Windbraker Carrots” would be leaving for Kyrgyzstan.

This gives you a view of a traditional tea house in Kashgar and along the Silk Road. When I’m traveling by myself, it can be very uncomfortable walking into a restaurant of 20+ men and there I am…a solo foreign woman walking in. Talk about making the record skip…it sends the damn vinyl off the turntable into the wall.

“Everybody’s Watching.”

March 24 2012
Our dinner together, in Kashgar Xinjiang, as the next morning “Team Windbraker Carrots” would be leaving for Kyrgyzstan.

This gives you a view of a traditional tea house in Kashgar and along the Silk Road. When I’m traveling by myself, it can be very uncomfortable walking into a restaurant of 20+ men and there I am…a solo foreign woman walking in. Talk about making the record skip…it sends the damn vinyl off the turntable into the wall.

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